EPICentre: Test Your Business Idea Workshop

Before starting a successful new business venture, what you really need are a few customers who love your product or service and want to pay for it. Using the “Test


Hackforge: Border City Data

Border City Data teaches aspiring data professionals the ins and outs of wrangling data to find useful insights. Attend to find out what Doug Sartori has in store for us


WEAVA Social Media and Volunteers Workshop

Join us for an interactive discussion the use of social media when recruiting and engaging volunteers. We will have two experts sharing their insight and answering your questions. There will

5th Annual Build a Dream Employer Symposium

What is the Build a Dream Symposium? Join other employers in learning from local and out of town keynote speakers on how to practically diversify your workforce. This daytime event

Random Act of Kindness Day 2017

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Random Act of Kindness Day is an inclusive, community building initiative that was developed in 2008 by the Kitchener

SBC presents: Basics of Starting Small Business

Do you have an idea and you want to start your own small business, but you aren’t sure where to start? Attend this FREE seminar to find out information such as: