Windsor-Essex County, Ontario, Friday, October 3, 2014 –The WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation held a media conference today to celebrate Small Business Month, launch a new program called Starter Company and introduced the newest member of the Small Business Centre (SBC) team, Sandra Vasquez as Youth Coordinator.
The event was held today at The Squirrel Cage an upscale café in downtown Windsor owned and operated by Toronto entrepreneurs John Ansell and Steven Thompson. As clients of the Small Business Centre they received support when they moved to Windsor to open their business in 2012.
The Starter Company program is part of the Government of Ontario’s Youth Jobs Strategy announced in the 2013 Ontario Provincial budget. Administered by SBC, the program will provide successful applicants 18 to 29 years of age, who are out of school with a grant of up to $5,000 to start, grow or buy a small business. The grant also provides a tailored training program along with one-on-one mentoring for youth interested in exploring entrepreneurship and launching a new business.
“Along with our partners, driving economic growth and job creation is a top priority for the WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation. With the many services provided by our Small Business Centre we focus on creating the conditions that help foster business development. Creating new opportunities such as ‘Starter Company’ is extremely important to the future of our region.” said Sandra Pupatello, CEO WindsorEssex Economic Development Corporation
Details about Starter Company can be found at windsoressexsmallbusiness.com.