ENGAGE. Start a direct dialogue with Businesses you like, from anywhere
Each business on the Windsor Start Profile Pages has a page full of information. You can see their locations, hours, email, phone and more. You can even contact some businesses directly by clicking the ’contact’ button near the top of their page.
REVIEW. Write reviews about your experience with any Business
Let everyone know what you think of any Business by writing a review. Good or otherwise you can share your experiences and opinions with anyone interested in that particular business.
SHARE. Share Businesses with your friends through social networks
Want to share a Business you found with your friends? Easily share Businesses on Facebook or Twitter with the Like and Tweet buttons found on each Business page.
Link to info page with video http://businessprofiles.windsorstar.com/get-listed/
Sample page http://businessprofiles.windsorstar.com/pages/doubleaaroofing/